What is a Kubernetes operator?

Operators are software extensions to Kubernetes that make use of custom resources to manage applications and their components. Operators follow Kubernetes principles, notably the control loop. The operator pattern concept lets you extend the cluster’s behaviour without modifying the code of Kubernetes itself by linking controllers to one or more custom resources. Operators are clients of the Kubernetes API that act as controllers for a Custom Resource.

The aim is to code the knowledge of a human operator who is managing a service or set of services. Human operators who look after specific applications and services have a deep knowledge of how the system ought to behave, how to deploy it, and how to react if there are problems.

Additional information can be found here:

Why use Java?

While Golang remains the most widely used language for implementing operators and controllers, not everyone is necessarily familiar with its concepts or its pointers and references style similar to C.

Java is very common in the software world. It uses a Virtual Machine to seperate the programmer from the hardware and its Object-Oriented concepts highly human-readable. Also, the popular Kubernetes client used in Java - Fabric8 - has capabilites resembling Golang’s clients. We will touch on this in a bit.

The Java Operator SDK

The Operator SDK is capable of automatically generating a lot of the boiler-plate code needed for operator implementation. This allows the user to focus on modeling and coding the knowledge, without worrying about network interaction with Kubernetes. Plugins are supported to extend the SDK’s options. We will focus specifically on the quarkus plugin.

Wait… Quarkus?

The Quarkus Java Framework stands for fast application start-up times, low memory consumption, and lower space requirements for native images. This should get our operator up and handling our custom resources efficiently. Quarkus also uses GraalVM which supports changing code while the application is running.

Let’s get started


Step 0: Defining the use case

The company we work with Example.com has a product named Echo which repeats a user’s input. We would like to code the knowledge needed to repeat the input in a new Kubernetes Custom Resource.

Step 1: Scaffolding our first Java Operator

Create an empty directory named echo-operator, and cd into it, then run

operator-sdk init --plugins quarkus --domain example.com --project-name echo-operator

Next, we’ll follow up with scaffolding our API and open the IDE

operator-sdk create api --group example --version v1 --kind EchoResource


Step 2: Custom Resources in Java code

Focusing on the files created under src/main/java, let’s look at the structure bottom-to-top -

  1. EchoResourceSpec is the spec inside our Custom Resource. this is where the users will be providing their input. Add the following field with a Getter and Setter:
    private String inputMessage;
     public String getInputMessage() {
         return inputMessage;
     public void setInputMessage(String inputMessage) {
         this.inputMessage = inputMessage;
  2. EchoResourceStatus is the output status our operator returns back to the user. Add the following output field:
     private String echoMessage;
     public String getEchoMessage() {
         return echoMessage;
     public void setEchoMessage(String echoMessage) {
         this.echoMessage = echoMessage;
  3. EchoResource is the Java class representing our Custom Resource. it extends the Fabric8 class CustomResource for our spec and status. No changes required here.

Finally, we’ll simulate an Echo Resource input given by the user.

Create a new file named cr-test-echo-resource.yaml under src/test/resources and paste the content:

apiVersion: example.example.com/v1
kind: EchoResource
  name: test-echo-resource
  inputMessage: "Hello from test-echo-resource"

Step 3: The Reconciler and how Operator SDK helps us implement it

Let’s open the file named EchoResourceReconciler.

This class implements Operator SDK’s Reconciler<T> method for our Echo Resource. It is required to implement the method reconcile().

We will implement the control loop here with our knowledge about the Echo product, which repeats the user’s input.


Add the following code for convenience:

private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EchoResourceReconciler.class);

Then the implementation of reconcile:

log.info("This is the control loop of the echo-operator. resource message is {}", resource.getSpec().getInputMessage());
if (reconcileStatus(resource,context)){
      return UpdateControl.updateStatus(resource);
return UpdateControl.noUpdate();

And finally the implementation of handling status:

private boolean reconcileStatus(EchoResource resource, Context<EchoResource> context) {
    String desiredMsg = resource.getSpec().getInputMessage();
    if (resource.getStatus() == null){
      // initialize if needed
      resource.setStatus(new EchoResourceStatus());
    if (!resource.getStatus().getEchoMessage().equalsIgnoreCase(desiredMsg)){
       // the status needs to be updated with a new echo message
       log.info("Setting echo resource status message to {}", desiredMsg);
       // return true to signal the need to update status in Kubernetes
       return true;
    return false;

Step 4: Testing out a custom resouce (with live coding)

For convenience, we will instruct Quarkus to create the Custom Resource Definition on our cluster, in case it doesn’t exist. Open src/main/resources/application.properties and change quarkus.operator-sdk.crd.apply to true.

Now let’s run Quarkus via Maven: mvn clean compile && mvn quarkus:dev.

The controller is now running and ready to accept user input. We can follow up with our test resource: kubectl apply -f src/test/resources/cr-test-echo-resource.yaml.

Observe the output and check the status inside the EchoResource on the cluster. You can also change the input spec message again and see it updated in status.

And we can change the code too! going back to EchoResourceReconciler modify the log message to This is the reconciler of the echo-operator and press r in the Quarkus terminal.

Feel free to change and experiment. when done, exit out of Quarkus using q and clean up the test resource with kubectl delete -f src/test/resources/cr-test-echo-resource.yaml.

Wrap Up!

We have implemented a very basic operator using the Java Operator SDK, Quarkus and the Fabric8 Kubernetes Client.

Please re-run, modify code, experiment and look at the files generated.

Fabric8 is capable of also creating other resources in Kubernetes, via either a Builder Pattern or by reading an input template yaml. Take a look at these code snippets for additional experimentation: